
You can download Deno release/canary binaries from this domain. Canary binaries are created for every commit to the main branch of the github.com/denoland/deno repo. For aarch64-apple-darwin, the canary binaries are only built once daily.

You can dowload a certain release URL like below:


You can dowload the canary for a certain commit with a URL like below:


These are the currently supported target tuples:

You can find the latest release version at https://dl.deno.land/release-latest.txt.

You can find the latest canary commit hash for x86_64 at https://dl.deno.land/canary-latest.txt.

You can find the latest canary commit hash for each target tuple individually at https://dl.deno.land/canary-[TARGET_TUPLE]-latest.txt.